The purpose of our Dart Art programming is to remove all barriers to entry - It is an interactive, participatory art form directly on the streets of Los Angeles.

We started Dart Art as a self-funded project last Fall, and already we have seen its ability to spark joy in this community. Many of the people who’ve participated have been passersby - they weren’t expecting to have their walk interrupted by someone offering them a dart to throw at a paint-filled balloon. Yet they did it anyway. 

These are moments of connection and creative expression that interrupt the cycle of daily life - Not only in the moments when we all cheer as a balloon bursts and paint splatters across the canvas, but also moving forward, every time they walk by the resultant art piece and are able to think, “I Helped Make That.” We Believe In Art As A Tool For Healing, Even (And Especially) In These Small, Unexpected Moments.

Dart Art